Version 1.5
- Automatic download of METAR information for major airports.
- Integrated data-picker for airport information (runway desgnator, runway heading, runway length, runway elevation) added. Internal database will be updated continously. Data-picker stores used ICAO codes. Stored ICAO codes will be used to prioritise the updating process of the database and will be added preferably.
Version 1.4
- Revised Flex Temp calculation for longer runways (Limiting value error removed).
Version 1.3
- Anti-Ice correction for A319/A320/A321 adjusted.
- Air-Conditioning correction error for A319/A320/A321/A330 resolved.
- Internal ISA+53 and ISA+40 calculation (limiting Flexmax) adjusted (metric vs. imperial system).
Version 1.2
- Entries are stored and copied even if some of the entered values are wrong or out of range.
- TOCG (not ZFWCG) for T/O trim calculation required. Entries for CG are automatically increased/decreased to min./max. T/O CG values.
- New avail. A/C types: A319-132, A321-211
Version 1.1
- Entries are stored and copied even if some of the entered values are wrong or out of range.
- New avail. A/C types: A330-243
Version 1.0
- First Release
- Avail. A/C types: A320-214